girls camp.
youth conf.
camping with Kassie.
the end.
the thing I am most excited about is girls camp! agh! it's going to be the best girls camp ever because I AM IN CHARGE! muahahahhahahahahhaha!
look out greenies.
the theme is "GLOW"
it's going to be the best theme ever, because I am the queen of glowing things!
(things I have that glow)
sticks, retainer, stars, string, shirt, paint, stickers.
I am so excited for camp! I'm in charge of the songbook, so I get to pick all of the songs we sing! I get to tie-dye the junior leader flag, and all of our headbands, and I get to give my testimony to all of the girls in my stake at one of the most tender moments of camp! I am so excited!
It's going to be one of my last years of camp... and my ONLY year of leading, so I figure... why not do everything that I can?
Girls camp has always been one of the highlights of my summer... we have some drama in our ward, but everything always resolves, and dissolves at testimony meeting. When we let the lord in, he never disappointments us. he always calms our souls, and we always end up leaving as happy sisters.
Another thing I'm kinda sorta excited about is the fact that my little sister and her best friend are coming to camp! they are the best! well... sometimes. at least I know I'll have fun! they are totally crazy! they WILL be the hyper greenies that everyone is annoyed by! bahah!
My other Junior Leaders are... Brittany and Courtney!
we always have fun together, especially at camp! Every single year Courtney and I have always had our touching "Old Best Friends" moment. where we realize that we really need to hang out more, but never end up doing it. hah. and I always have fun with Britt:)) when everyone else ditches us, or gets to drama-e, or too hyper, we stick together.
and we are snipe hunting this year.
I don't care what they say.
we are.
we are we are we are!
it's not going to get ruined like last year, and the year before!
The only worry I have for camp is... a camera:(( I have an amazingly nice camera, that I would LOVE to take with me... but I so fear taking it. :(( ah well... I'll find something to do:)) borrow one from my BEST FRIEND CAITY! who I haven't seen in about 40 years... hmm, she's probably the only one who will read this too...
can I borrow your camera?
ehh... awk.
I'm not going to really ask you over a blog post... pahah.