I've been saving these funny and inspirational quotes up!
Whenever someone... or I say something Funny/Silly/Stupid/Wise. I jot it down... and now I'm going to empty them... here. haha.
Breaking the Piggy Bank!
You know the world is a great place when Voldemort gives you cupcakes - Josh Barney
Wow, She's a loud dyer. - Caity
When you become president, can I be ambassador of someplace cool? (caity)
Like Taiwan? (me)
No, like Jamaica, or Hawaii. (caity)
You don't need an ambassador of Hawaii, it's part of our country. (me)
That was a really pretty polygamist lady - Caity
Lately that just happens a lot, i just get so excited, and it's only in your Kitchen. - Caity
If people really knew what we were like when we're alone, we would have no friends. - Caity
You can't have any of me, if you don't take all of me.
Our conquered trials strengthen us over everyone else. We can be the last ones standing, when the world falls.
It's the small things you do that show me you don't care.
You were going to conquer the world. What happened?
Night is a world lit by itself.
For every bad day, count the ten good days before it. - Me!
Why would you kill yourself if you looked that good? - Courtney
When nobody knows anything, somebody knows something. - Chief Brass (C.S.I.)
I know it's lame when you're doing it by yourself.... - don't remember who said it...
I'm basically the Chuck Norris of our family. - Me
You look like Butch Cassidy! - Caity
Boys are the scum of the earth... DIRTBAG! - The song I started writing for Taylor Swift...
The best present my mom could ever get for my birthday is, 3oh!3 to come perform - Caity
If I put that as my facebook status, everyone would like it. - Me
Most Eskimo's are Russian Orphans. - Dad.
Explore the Possibilities. - Caity
Hey Speedster Grandpa... - Caity
I just put my hand in something wet! Gross! - Nicole
Oh, it's just the sea-creature I keep in here. - Caity
We meet every monday in the alley behind the parking lot. Bring your knives and guns. - Caity
So I have these leaves... - Kim
Do you think that sometimes cowboys put their hats sideways to pretend to be gangster? - Me
It's all a circle of gayness. - Don't remember who said that one...
Wait, the frog had puppies? - Addie
Grandma did your pumpkin pie shrink? - me
Yes, because I ate it. - Grandma
Sometimes God calms the raging storm, and sometimes he lets the storm rage, and calms you.
Even if you're on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
Every time of year is my favorite time of year, when I'm with you.