2010 Has brought me so many good times. I've loved this year so much! It's probably one of my favorite years of life so far! Here are a few photo spotlights of my year! (No particular order, just however blogger decided it wanted to upload them...)
^Sadies with my best friends! We seriously had so much fun that night.
Going to Lagoon not once... but TWICE in a row. Two weekends. :)) ^ This time with the Utleys. :))
Meeting Josh and Chandler! I'm so grateful for these two! They are awesome! We have had some bombin' Friday nights together, and I hope we have even more in 2011! Plus... HP7 was quite possibly one of the best nights of my life.
The Marathon! This year I gained the BIGGEST love for the St. George Marathon. I'm going to run it someday.
My Seventeen Forever! It was such a fun party, and I'm so glad all of my friends came! I've done the exact same thing for the past two years... and I'll probably do the same again. :))
Girls Camp! It was such an adventure... I LOVED being a YCL, I wish I could be a YCL every single year. I'm going again this next summer, and possibly for a few extra... I love my ward, and I love our girls.
While this wasn't the biggest highlight of my year... it was a ginormous part. Working at the plant was the most horrid thing of my life! But it taught me so much. It taught me to get an education... because I don't want to have to work there when I'm older, and it taught me to be responsible. I became a part of a team, and learned that "ditching out" on work, is a huge disaster.
Camping with the Richesons! I spent basically my whole summer with the Richesons, Bischoffs, and Werners, and it was SO much fun. I love their family, and I've become a part of it. :))
My second weekend in Lagoon. :)) Turns out that Lagoon is 20x scarier in the rain.
All of the amazing fun times that Caity, Emma, and I had. I'm so sad that Emma is gone, and now I hardly ever see her. I wish she would come back to D.H. but I'm glad that she's having fun at P.V.
Our Town! So. Much. Fun. I loved our town! I spent numerous days there after school, and megsy, ash, and I MEMORIZED that darn song. We had so much fun :))
Guarding Winter! I loved all of the trips up north, and spending time with Brandee, and the boys, and Lacee, and the twins. Winterguard kicked my butt, but it was so much fun. :))
Running for Stud.Co. This was probs. my favorite poster. :))

Going to Desert Hills of course! We are amazing. That's all I have, and need to say.
Quadding, and the Orange Traffic cone. Another amazing day of my life... seriously. hahaha. By the way, -- Caity, I went back to see if I could find the cone, because I wanted to use it as a target... SOMEONE STOLE IT! We hid that darn thing, and someone found it and took it! I was so angry. Gees. We'll just have to go find another one.

Going to Desert Hills of course! We are amazing. That's all I have, and need to say.

Some more Highlights of the year.... That I don't have pictures for.
- Starting my own Photography Business.
- Free Frazil Friday (I'm so excited for this next March.)
- Preference, with Cait, Zac, and Brandon.
- Becoming Laurel President.
- Getting my SLR
- Becoming friends with the B.G.
- Working at the Snoshac
- Getting my Braces off!
- Naphtali. Nuff said.
- Tubing down the river
- Save the Raccoons ( So sad, but so funny at the same time.)
Bring it on 2011.
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