WOW! I am so not mad that spring is here! I say it's officially here, and what I say goes! Spring is MY TIME! YES! I love, love, love, love springgg! It's my favorite. NO ONE will ruin this for me! Teachers, Parents, Pessimists, no one. I'm going to have the best spring ever! After all... we won't be seventeen forever :)
Playlist? My annual spring playlist is up! It's not the same as usual though... I've had the same exact spring playlist for the past... 3 years, and I listened to my spring CD in the car tonight, and decided... UPDATE! So... this is the new one :) I'm so not mad about it.
Pictures?I'm sooo excited for spring, and one of the reasons is because I get to start taking pictures again! No one wants senior pictures in the winter, because it's ugly, and bare... Spring rocks! I have a folder full of idea's, and over Spring Break, I'm going to try and re-create them with an NSW spin :) So stoked!
Break? AH! Spring break... it's the most amazing time of year, and I love it almost more than Summer vaca. :) The whole break is going to be filled with late nights, camping, sleepovers, parties, bon fires, shorts, sandals, sun dresses, the river, music, Jason Aldean, sun tanning, swimming, playing, johning... it's like heaven. :)
I'm exciting myself just thinking about it! Just talking about it! ahhhh! I want it to be here sooo badly! :)
3rd Quarter is my favorite quarter of the whole year :) I'm out of school at least one day out of every week for something Orchestra related... So far I've had S.U.P.A.F. twice, the first time I played a duet with a friend, Jessica, and we received a 1 superior! It was my first ever small ensemb. supaf, so I was way stoked! On Thursday we had our large ensemb. S.U.P.A.F. for the High School Orchestra, and we got a 1- which... isn't bad, because we have a LOT of work to do before region. I hope we can get it done...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To my best friend in the whole wide world! CAITY! You're so elderly! You're the same number as me now! You won't be Seventeen Forever!
J.P. I'm so stoked for Junior Prom! The theme is one of my favorite songs in the whole wide world! "Before it's too late" by the Goo Goo Dolls... :) It's going to be so great!
Well... That's prob's it... I don't really know what else to write, and it's 12:40 a.m. so I should be asleep :) Just know... I'm excited for J.P., and Spring, and Life is so great! :)
... just love. :)