My whole life I have been amazed at the respect level that my Grandfather showed to my Grandma. He treated her like a princess. Anything that she wanted, she got it, and anything she said, he did. I think that's the reason why my expectation of men is so great... both my Grandfather, and my Father are the PERFECT examples of gentlemen. I WILL marry someone who is like them, and I won't settle for anything less.
The most important thing that I ever learned from my Grandpa, is "Forgive and Forget". He always used to say that to me, and it's something that just stuck. I'm grateful that he taught me this valuable life lesson, because it's something that is true, and I need to follow.
Whenever we stayed at my Grandparent's house in Salt Lake, my Grandpa would always come and wake me up with his song... "Wake up, wake up, the bird is on the wing. Wake up, Wake up, it's time to rise again." Every morning when I wake up, that song is in my head.
Another thing that I remember about my grandpa... is the song that he always sung to all of us Grandkids... It went like this
Baby, Grandpa's little Baby,
Grandpa's little baby, what you going to do?
Oh look, at the cattle,
asleep, in the pasture,
the wise men are bringing, gifts unto you.
Baby, Grandpa's little baby,
Grandpa's little baby, What you going to do?
I know I wrote a ton about my Grandfather, but he was the only Grandpa that I ever knew in my whole life. He told so many amazing stories, and did so many things, that he is truly an idol in my eyes. I want to be as successful as him. He was an inventor, a worker, a father, a husband, a temple goer, a Grandpa, a Great Grandpa, and many more things. I hope I can achieve as much in my life as he did in his...
Out of everyone in the world that has ever left me, he is the person that I miss the most.
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