One time, just barely I found a computer in my hotel, and so now that I have my facebook fix taken care of... I decided to blog. We're just watching Kameron work out across the hall... it's N.B.D.
I'll give you the deets tomorrow. :)
Friday, April 29, 2011
Should I stay? Or should I go?
Today has been... a roller coaster day. To put it lightly.
:The happs:
P.S. Johners+Janers, don't have too much fun without me!!! I'll be back Saturday night, and I expect to hang out!! :)
:The happs:
- went to bed at 10:30 last night
- Woke up at 6:00 a.m.
- Felt soooooo sickly.
- told my mom I wasn't going to 1st or 2nd period.
- cleaned my room
- got ready for the day.
- told my mom I WAS going to school...
- Went to 1st period. (Seminary)
- Got in trouble for writing my D.B.Q. instead of paying attention...
- Went to A.P.U.S.H.
- Ditched the A.P. review sesh.
- went home.
- Made my dad give me money.
- Went to the store.
- Bought Cough Drops.
- Had lunch with Caity and had sooo much fun.
- Went to Orchestra.
- Checked myself out of school.
- Came home.
- Blogged.
P.S. Johners+Janers, don't have too much fun without me!!! I'll be back Saturday night, and I expect to hang out!! :)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Nailpolish, School fines, and Scooters.
Facts from the day.
- After school I went to the Potter's house, and painted their 3 year old, and their 9 year old daughters toes. SO adorable, and SO much fun.
- I payed $25.00 of my 90 some odd dollars in School fines... thank you Solo/ensemb and A.P. test... NOT.
- I think I'm getting strep. Holler.
- I'm bringing my scooter up to S&E this weekend, and we're going to terrorize the town of Lone Peak.
- I love not doing ANYTHING in Chemistry.
- I am dreading my DBQ that's due tomorrow...
- Color Guard Banquet tonight!
- I'm kinda way behind on my Thunder T book... need to take care of that.
- I'm going to miss my Johners and Janers SO much this weekend. :(
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
47 Facts about Yours Truely.
TAG! You're it... Caity, Maddie, Doman, Chandler.
- I really like old things.
- I memorize lyrics really, really quickly.
- I only like to sing when I'm by myself... mostly in the car.
- I am not good at hiding my emotions, as my friends will often tell me.
- I am a member of the Bischoff Society of Independent Women.
- I get my best ideas in Orchestra Class.
- I'm afraid to be tardy to class.
- If I post something on facebook, and no one comments or likes it within 10 minutes, I'll delete it.
- I have the Harry Potter Puppet Pals skit on a CD in my car.
- I'm kind of uncomfortable with getting verbal comments.
- I collect Facebook Friends. I don't know half of them. As of right now... I have 1,429.
- I hate to leave St. George, because my friends are SO great, and I just want to hang out with them 24/7.
- I don't show emotion while watching movies by myself. Even if something funny happens... I won't laugh, it will only mentally register that something funny happened.
- I'm really good at homework. REALLY good.
- I'm almost always happy.
- I don't really like the taste of Menchies very much, I just like to go there because of the colors and my friends.
- The only reason I order the Caribbean Wave at Swig is because of the color.
- I used to collect Porcelain dolls. Now they all sit on a shelf above my bed, and everyone thinks they're creepy.
- I know how to get onto facebook at school.
- I can't stay mad or sad for very long.
- I hate confrontation.
- I love to abbreviate words. i.e. awk, obvi, def, totes, probs.
- I'm afraid of deep dark water.
- I'm afraid to write things on my bucket list, for fear that I won't ever cross them off.
- When I'm flustered or stressed... you'll know it. I might literally start pulling my hair out.
- I have never broken a bone.
- I'm so proud to be a member of the Johners+Janers.
- Caity Sullivan has literally become a part of my family.
- I love country music.
- I look up the lyrics to songs ALL the time, just so that I can sing the correct words.
- The very first concert I ever went to was Styx, when I was about 10 years old.
- Sometimes I like to pretend that I know what's going on, or what to do in a situation... and I really don't.
- I stay calm in emergencies... unless they're at TeenCert, then I just laugh at everything possible.
- I think my laugh is SO ANNOYING. My real laugh... you know, the one that comes out when something is SO funny you're going to pee your pants.
- I have honestly been trying to refrain from gossip.
- Now that I have a web cam, I put a sticky note over it every time I'm not using it, because I feel like someone is watching me.
- I don't eat breakfast.
- I love pickles. A LOT.
- I don't eat pork.
- One time I pretended I was Jewish.
- I make up a lot of fibs about my dad... only because I love him, and think he's the coolest person EVER.
- Every time one of my gold fish would die, I would cry for a good couple of hours.
- I hate texting.
- One of my biggest pet peeves is when people make fun of other people, or make them look bad in front of others.
- I'm kind of a crafty person...
- When I first chose an instrument, I wanted to play the drums, but my mom said they were too loud and she made me take up the violin.
- I hate the color gold.
La La la. Whatever. La La La. It doesn't matter. La La La. Oh well. La La La.
I'm kind of Obsessed.
With some Gr8 bands.
And some Gr8 songs.
All of the songs on my playlist as of late are part of my obsession. GoGo37 gave me some great new bands to stalk up. Another one of my favorite bands is Hot Chelle Rae. I found them about a year and a half ago... but their new-(ish?) song Tonight Tonight is my new favorite song. :)
Some Bands to Stalk up...
Hot Chelle Rae
Allstar Weekend
The Neighbors
Toy Bombs
Chasing Kings
Metro Station
Two Door Cinema Club
Vampire Weekend
With some Gr8 bands.
And some Gr8 songs.
All of the songs on my playlist as of late are part of my obsession. GoGo37 gave me some great new bands to stalk up. Another one of my favorite bands is Hot Chelle Rae. I found them about a year and a half ago... but their new-(ish?) song Tonight Tonight is my new favorite song. :)
Some Bands to Stalk up...
Hot Chelle Rae
Allstar Weekend
The Neighbors
Toy Bombs
Chasing Kings
Metro Station
Two Door Cinema Club
Vampire Weekend
Get out of Jail Free card by the Judge.
This year for Girls Camp we're going to the Rockin' R Ranch in Antimony, Utah... where the heck that is I have no clue. Last night we held an Auction to raise money for G.C. because the Ranch is kinda pricey.... It was... fun. haha. We ended up making BANK. I don't know the exact number... but our highest sale of the night was $500 on a Ruby Ring from McArthur Jewlers. A lawyer in our ward donated a Will, I donated a photo shoot, Britt Brink's mom donated an Antique three tiered cake platter, we had quilts, artwork, and SO many delish treats! There was SO much there, and we ended up selling a lot... :) My shoot went for $75.00 at the very last minute. I'm stoked about the family who got it... MOSTLY because they are going to have a BRAND NEW BABY! Not mad at all! :) Anyways... all in all, it was a great night, and I'm SO excited for Girls Camp. :)
Adorable Tables that Phoebe, Lisa, LeahAnne, Laurie, Deon, and all of the other leaders put up!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
I Lyke to Skype.
Monday, April 25, 2011
The life of Sammy...
This is Sammy.
Sammy is a Cat.
I wish I lived Sammy's life.
First off, I really DO NOT CARE if you think I'm weird for this post... because 1. I am weird. 2. I really do want to live the life of Sammy....
Right now I'm sitting in my room doing all of the homework that I failed to do over the weekend. I'm looking at the mess on my desk that I need to clean up, as well as the basket full of laundry that needs to be hung up. Sammy does not have to worry about any of these problems. Life would be SO much easier if I were a cat. Granted... I wouldn't live as long, and I would have no friends because... well you're a cat, and you can't drive or swim because you're a cat and... OKAY! I get it... so maybe life wouldn't be better as a cat... but I sure do wish I didn't have to do all of this work. :)
John hard Amigos.
3 weeks left. ♥
- Sammy gets whatever she wants.
- Sammy does not have to go to school.
- Sammy has about 99 lives instead of 9.
- Sammy can meow(talk/yell) all she wants, and people just think it's cute.
- Sammy got shot two times, once, and it was probs the equivalent for getting your wisdom teeth out, or your tonsils as a human because everyone babied her for like three weeks after. (This is not a reason I want to be sammy... just a fact.)
- My parents like Sammy more than they like my sister or me.
- Sammy could swear and no one would be able to tell.
- Sammy can scratch anyone she wants and she won't get in trouble.
- Sammy makes people laugh.
- Sammy sleeps when, and where she wants.
- Sammy gets to play outside all day long.
- Sammy gets to stay out all night sometimes.
- One time Sammy took a four day trip to who knows where... hell's half acre? And she didn't even get in trouble when she got home! Everyone was just happy.
- Sammy thinks she runs the house, and she's probably right.
- Sammy is just so dang adorable.
Right now I'm sitting in my room doing all of the homework that I failed to do over the weekend. I'm looking at the mess on my desk that I need to clean up, as well as the basket full of laundry that needs to be hung up. Sammy does not have to worry about any of these problems. Life would be SO much easier if I were a cat. Granted... I wouldn't live as long, and I would have no friends because... well you're a cat, and you can't drive or swim because you're a cat and... OKAY! I get it... so maybe life wouldn't be better as a cat... but I sure do wish I didn't have to do all of this work. :)
John hard Amigos.
3 weeks left. ♥
The Weekly Holler ::: The Liberty Walk. ♥

Holler at my Liberty Walk.
Holler at Photoshop.
Holler at Snowcones.
Holler at Durangos.
Holler at Jewish people.
Holler at the PoPo.
Holler at my friends.
Holler at photos.
Holler at over exposure.
Holler at Facebook.
Holler at my backyard.
Holler at my dad for fixing my internet.
Holler at my BFF Caity.
Holler at my blog.
Holler at my blog poll. (vote?)
The Un-Hollers
Don't Holler at ditching.
Don't Holler at that mean Harmons Lady.
Don't Holler at sunburns.
Please DO NOT Holler at that Naked guy... PLEASE.
Don't Holler at that mean Harmons Lady.
Don't Holler at sunburns.
Please DO NOT Holler at that Naked guy... PLEASE.
Official. :)
Guys... Why is there a naked man running across the street?

Kopy Kat. :)
So... my friend Josh did a post exactly identical to this. He thought of all of the songs that remind him of his family and friends, and posted the vids. :) I'm stealing your idea Josh. :) Here we go...
And yes... I know that half of these aren't official music vids... you can deal. :)
^International Harvester - Dad
This is my father. hahahah. He's a Linen Supplier in real life... but I feel like this song was written about him.
Aqualung - Mom
My mom is as obsessed with Jethro Tull as I was with... the Jonas Brothers. hahah.
Hit me baby one more time - Emily
I always used to joke with her that the only thing she would ever listen to was Brittany Spears. It wasn't true... but still it was hilarious. :) hahh.
Jump Rope - Caity
There are SO many songs that remind me of Caity. John Wall, Double Vision, anything 3oh!3... but every time I hear this song I think of her. :)
Swing Life Away - Chantry
When I first became friends with Chan, he told me that this was one of his favorite songs. :)
Alligator Sky - Josh Barney
I don't really know how to use an i-pod, and I don't really know ANY of the songs on Josh's I-phone accept for Double Vision and... yeah that's about it. So I ask him what is favorite song of the moment is, and this was his fav. song one day. :) I thought it was cool because it was an Owl City song... then I heard the rap and I understood.... hahah.
I'm not afraid - Doman
The first time I Ever hung out with her... she rapped this whole thing to me. It was the bossest thing I've ever seen hahahaha! :)
A-Punk - Maddie Ko
Nuff said? hahahah. This is like the Maddie Ko THEME SONG! And I love it!
Seventeen Forever - Me!
I don't want to grow up, and I want to be seventeen FOREVER! :) I love this song, as well as EVERY other song by Metro Station! :)
And yes... I know that half of these aren't official music vids... you can deal. :)
^International Harvester - Dad
This is my father. hahahah. He's a Linen Supplier in real life... but I feel like this song was written about him.
Aqualung - Mom
My mom is as obsessed with Jethro Tull as I was with... the Jonas Brothers. hahah.
Hit me baby one more time - Emily
I always used to joke with her that the only thing she would ever listen to was Brittany Spears. It wasn't true... but still it was hilarious. :) hahh.
Jump Rope - Caity
There are SO many songs that remind me of Caity. John Wall, Double Vision, anything 3oh!3... but every time I hear this song I think of her. :)
Swing Life Away - Chantry
When I first became friends with Chan, he told me that this was one of his favorite songs. :)
Alligator Sky - Josh Barney
I don't really know how to use an i-pod, and I don't really know ANY of the songs on Josh's I-phone accept for Double Vision and... yeah that's about it. So I ask him what is favorite song of the moment is, and this was his fav. song one day. :) I thought it was cool because it was an Owl City song... then I heard the rap and I understood.... hahah.
I'm not afraid - Doman
The first time I Ever hung out with her... she rapped this whole thing to me. It was the bossest thing I've ever seen hahahaha! :)
A-Punk - Maddie Ko
Nuff said? hahahah. This is like the Maddie Ko THEME SONG! And I love it!
Seventeen Forever - Me!
I don't want to grow up, and I want to be seventeen FOREVER! :) I love this song, as well as EVERY other song by Metro Station! :)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Is his work Done?

- Sacrament- We had a Return Sister Missionary speak to us about her mission, and she told us about an African man that she met while serving. When he found out that she was of the LDS Faith, he was quick to judge her and tell her everything that he thought was wrong with the Gospel. Among the things he said, He told her that Jesus had done all of his work, and we were being disrespectful for saying that he was not, and trying to carry on his work here on Earth.
- Sunday School - We talked about the fact that Christ is the "Light of the World". And that we are all Diamonds. We emerge from coal, and we are shaped through intense heat and pressure into Diamonds in the Rough. It might hurt when the "Diamond Cutter" shapes us, and chips away the flaws... but in the end, We become a beautiful Diamond that, when hit by the light, glimmers and shines.
- Young Womens - We talked mostly about The Living Christ and we were given a challenge to memorize The Living Christ. We were given booklets of nineteen cards each, and we are to, if we choose, memorize a part at a time. Our leader gave a quote from Elder Christofferson that said People should be able to see attributes of Christ in us.
I loved all of the Lessons that I was given today. My leaders and ward members were definitely inspired by the Spirit. Christ's work is not done. To fully appreciate, and take advantage of the great Atonement we need to try and "meet him half way" as one girl in my class said today. It is utterly impossible to meet him anywhere close to half way, but we need to show our appreciation for all that he has done for us. I loved the story about the Diamonds, because I can see that it's true. It does hurt when the "Diamond Cutter" shapes us... but as I see through my leaders, my parents, and my older friends, we truly can shine. As for my last meeting, I'm taking the Challenge. I'm going to memorize The Living Christ. I dont' know how long it will take me to do this... but I'm going to do it. :)
As Nerdy as is may seem... I found President Monson's talk "I know that my Redeemer lives!" and I put it as my number one track on my playlist. You don't have to listen to it... you can pause it, skip over it, ignore it, whatever. But it's there for anyone who wants to listen. :)
I hope someone out there enjoyed my rambling... and I hope everyone has a...
... Is your family having Easter Dinner tomorrow, Nicole?
::Pancho and Lefty Story of the Night::
So after our afternoon antics, Caity and I decided to go to Dairy Queen to meet some boy that she is friends with from up north... it was the most HILARIOUS thing we have done yet. We started talking about Easter... and this is how the conversation went...
"Nicole, is your family having Easter Dinner tomorrow?" - Caity
"Caity... I'm Jewish. We don't celebrate Easter." - Nicole
"SHOOT! I always forget.. this makes things really awkward..." - Caity
"I have a friend that's Jewish." - Kid sitting next to us
"Well... my dad actually grew up in an Amish community... My family is just a joke." - Nicole
This went on, and on, and on, and on the WHOLE time. It was the funniest/awkest thing that I have ever done in my life, and it was probably a little inappropriate... but it was so hilarious. Either way... I'm so glad Caity came down to hang out with me! We had a blast and we caught up on everything! :)
Are you Hot? Are you Dangerous?

I also went to the river with some Johners today... and CAITY came into town! Hol.ler. :) Not mad at all. I have some photos from the river, and from hanging out with Caity as well... but they're on the SLR, and I'm kinda EXTREMELY tired... and I don't want to upload them right now haha.
P.s. Sometimes, I hate it when my favorite movie doesn't work in some people's DVD players, and then I get home, put it in my computer, and It turns right on... I'm kinda mad. Oh well. ♥
P.s.s. Happy Easter! (Even though I'm Jewish, and I don't celebrate Easter... NBD. {See tomorrow's post for deets. :) } )
Saturday, April 23, 2011
X-cited much?

9 reasons why not to wake up early on Saturday....
- You will be bored out of your mind.
- No one else is awake.
- People will come to visit your parents, and block you out of your driveway! :(
- Your dad might make you shovel rocks from the front yard, to the back.
- You might end up making mindless blog posts.
- You might be tempted to take the shoe laces out of your shoes.
- You might facebook stalk for three hours.
- Maybe you'll download TONS of music.
- Your parents might make you clean your room...
- You might edit the most ugliest/stupidest photo you've ever made. (See above image.)
Piggy Bankkk Numero Nueve. ♥
DISCLAIMER: these are some of the most awkward Piggy Banks that ever lived. Read at your own risk.
Wanna hear an awkward story about my 87 year old aunt lois who broke her hip? - Monica Olds
Pizzas are gonna take over the world someday. Because they keep making them more complicated. - Emily
Who wants to go to walmart with me?- Mom
I do! - Emily
You can't! - Mom
Why not? - Emily
Because you're ugly. - Nicole
What? Because I'm ugly? Ugly people go to walmart all the time! - Emily
Most people don't have abnormal feet like yours. - Chandler
John's not topless anymore! - Nicole
It's like a tube top! - Brittany Brink
Sometimes, you break your phone, and that is why your phone is broken. - Chandler
Screw Chandler. NO, NO WAIT! Don't screw Chandler! - Doman
Wisdom of the Juniority. - Mrs. Candland
We like to have physical activity. - Doman
Mostly with boys. - Nicole
He's one of the six black people in America! - Nicole
You mean Utah... - Doman
Oh my gosh! You just touched fire! - Doman
If I lit this on my zipper, you could call me firecrotch. - Braden Wood
What are you making? - Dad
Love... OH WAIT! NO! DAD! - Nicole
Wanna hear an awkward story about my 87 year old aunt lois who broke her hip? - Monica Olds
Pizzas are gonna take over the world someday. Because they keep making them more complicated. - Emily
Who wants to go to walmart with me?- Mom
I do! - Emily
You can't! - Mom
Why not? - Emily
Because you're ugly. - Nicole
What? Because I'm ugly? Ugly people go to walmart all the time! - Emily
Most people don't have abnormal feet like yours. - Chandler
John's not topless anymore! - Nicole
It's like a tube top! - Brittany Brink
Sometimes, you break your phone, and that is why your phone is broken. - Chandler
Screw Chandler. NO, NO WAIT! Don't screw Chandler! - Doman
Wisdom of the Juniority. - Mrs. Candland
We like to have physical activity. - Doman
Mostly with boys. - Nicole
He's one of the six black people in America! - Nicole
You mean Utah... - Doman
Oh my gosh! You just touched fire! - Doman
If I lit this on my zipper, you could call me firecrotch. - Braden Wood
What are you making? - Dad
Love... OH WAIT! NO! DAD! - Nicole
Friday, April 22, 2011
These Two Photos.
You see these two photos.
Both of which you created.
You have to make a choice.
You like both photos.
In two literal ways.
But you don't know...
You don't know how to choose.
You've hit a fork in the road.
It's stopped you many times.
You've been stopped again.
You don't know which way to go.
You don't have anyone to help.
Two Connections.
Two Ways.
Two Conflicts.
One you.
The Weekly Holler :::Sick of YOU::: ♥
The Hollers.
Holler at Durangos.Holler at Snow Cones.
Holler at Spanish.
Holler at four day weekends.
Holler at 143.
Holler at GoGo37.
Holler at Chasing Kings.
Holler at The Neighbors.
Holler at Toy Bombs.
Holler at my SLR.
Don't Holler at fake people.
Don't Holler at swearing.
Don't Holler at rocks.
Don't Holler at bands breaking up. :'(
Don't Holler at swearing.
Don't Holler at rocks.
Don't Holler at bands breaking up. :'(
Have you ever been so Gr8ful for John?
This can be interpreted in so many ways...
Have you ever been so gr8ful for John?
Tonight, I went to GoGo37 for the first time EVER with some of the Johners and Janers! It was SO MUCH FUN! :) It had such a cool vibe to it. I loved every minute!
We started the night off with Halfway Home, a band of kids from our school/city. They did a great job, and we knew the songs... so we could sing along haha.
The next band was Chasing Kings. They were my favorite! They had great music... the sickest duds, and... an amazingly adorable Guitar Player. ♥
Next up was The Neighbors. They did great as well! They had some great music, and they were just fun! It was a brother and a sister, and I loved every minute of it! ... again, the boy was suuuper cute. hahah.
Last but not least, we had TOY BOMBS! Holy smokes! They were really really great! I can see why Maddie talks about them all the time! I got some gr8 photos out of them and... THEY LET ME PLAY THEIR TAMBOURINE!!!! :) hahah.
GoGo37 will def. become a regular hangout spot for me. :) It was so much fun, and I loved the feel of the place! It was such a rush! haha.
- John Mayer
- John Lennon
- John & Jane
- Just John. ♥
Tonight, I went to GoGo37 for the first time EVER with some of the Johners and Janers! It was SO MUCH FUN! :) It had such a cool vibe to it. I loved every minute!
We started the night off with Halfway Home, a band of kids from our school/city. They did a great job, and we knew the songs... so we could sing along haha.
The next band was Chasing Kings. They were my favorite! They had great music... the sickest duds, and... an amazingly adorable Guitar Player. ♥
Next up was The Neighbors. They did great as well! They had some great music, and they were just fun! It was a brother and a sister, and I loved every minute of it! ... again, the boy was suuuper cute. hahah.
Last but not least, we had TOY BOMBS! Holy smokes! They were really really great! I can see why Maddie talks about them all the time! I got some gr8 photos out of them and... THEY LET ME PLAY THEIR TAMBOURINE!!!! :) hahah.
GoGo37 will def. become a regular hangout spot for me. :) It was so much fun, and I loved the feel of the place! It was such a rush! haha.
^( Halfway Home. A band of boys from our school. :) )
^( Chasing Kings. One of my new favorites. :) Hollller at the guitar player. :) )
^( The Neighbors. Again... amazingly adorable Drummer/Guitar/Keyboard boy. :) hahah. )
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Between shades of gray.
- Someone told me that my title, my picture, and my caption never have anything to do with each other. I'm not mad. HOLLER at chaos.-
I ♥ to see the Temple. :)

Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The Weekly Holler ::: Who currs? ♥♥♥
Holler at menchies!
Holler at Seniors!
Holler at Photography!
Holler at no homework.
Holler at Young Womens.
Holler at my family.
Holler at movies.
Holler at fire.
Holler at John&Jane.
Holler at To Kill a Mockingbird.
Holler at my telephoto lens.
Holler at Two Door Cinema Club.
Holler at uploading photos to Facebook.
Holler at Easter.
stay tuned for next week's holler.
Holler at Seniors!
Holler at Photography!
Holler at no homework.
Holler at Young Womens.
Holler at my family.
Holler at movies.
Holler at fire.
Holler at John&Jane.
Holler at To Kill a Mockingbird.
Holler at my telephoto lens.
Holler at Two Door Cinema Club.
Holler at uploading photos to Facebook.
Holler at Easter.
stay tuned for next week's holler.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Just one thing... then another.

I can't believe that all of these people are going to be leaving me next year! I just want to cry... because They're all going to college, and most of them are leaving the STG. I feel like I should be leaving with them... but I'm not.
It's weird to me, to think that I'm a Junior, and I take senior photos. haha. I'm so stoked about it! :) I have been so fortunate in the photography world. I've been blessed with great friends who have been patient enough with me to hire me as their Senior Portrait Photographer. I love that I'm getting a jump start on what possibly might be my career when I'm older!
I'll probably (hopefully) have a few more Senior portrait sessions this year, and I'm hoping to have a ton for next year! :) I'm so excited for all of my friends who are graduating, but at the same time... I'm so sad to see them go.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Piggy Bank number gr8. (:
What is better? Oil and vinegar, or Pot and vinegar? ... *Class laughs* Not THAT kind of pot. - Mrs. Wallace
You choke and I'll fix ya. - Monica
Do you know ---? - Amy
Is that Frankenstein girl? - Ashley
NO! It's Frankenstein's friend. - Amy
This is a race! You don't fart first!... I meant start first... - Chandler
I think his truck is catching on fire. *said in calm voice* - Caity
Do you see these zits? It's like a constellation on my face! - Caity
Who's Neil Pert? - Wyatt
Neil Pert banks at southwest. - Wyatt
What did you just call her? - Nefi
Sarah *said in accent* - Nicole
Sarah, that's my name. Do I look like a Tonya? Because I'm not a Tonya. - Sarah
I was texting in an accent... - Chandler
Sometimes, when I hurt other people, I yell for them. - Sarah
Oh my gosh. My hair smells so good, I can smell it from here. *sniff* mmmmm. - Courtney
Treyson was walking his weiner dog in flip flops.... - Doman
It could have been Mr. Malm.... Long pants, and flip flops. - Braden
You choke and I'll fix ya. - Monica
Do you know ---? - Amy
Is that Frankenstein girl? - Ashley
NO! It's Frankenstein's friend. - Amy
This is a race! You don't fart first!... I meant start first... - Chandler
I think his truck is catching on fire. *said in calm voice* - Caity
Do you see these zits? It's like a constellation on my face! - Caity
Who's Neil Pert? - Wyatt
Neil Pert banks at southwest. - Wyatt
What did you just call her? - Nefi
Sarah *said in accent* - Nicole
Sarah, that's my name. Do I look like a Tonya? Because I'm not a Tonya. - Sarah
I was texting in an accent... - Chandler
Sometimes, when I hurt other people, I yell for them. - Sarah
Oh my gosh. My hair smells so good, I can smell it from here. *sniff* mmmmm. - Courtney
Treyson was walking his weiner dog in flip flops.... - Doman
It could have been Mr. Malm.... Long pants, and flip flops. - Braden
My sister is good at everything, and I hate it.
We went to the river today, so I could take some photos of sand, and other things for my blog, and I gave my sister the camera while I washed all of the mud (yuck) off of my feet in the water... She took some pictures! Normally... she zooms out way too much, and doesn't get the right lighting, but she took some pretty rad photos this time! Unfortunately... they are of me. I edited them for her, and I think she did a good job. :) Good job Emily! I hate you for being good at EVERYTHING. Even the only thing I'm good at...

Thursday, April 14, 2011
It's not fine.
I could probably write
Fifty poems for you,
And you still wouldn't see,
That they all could come true.
I've been playing this game,
For a very long time,
And I don't understand,
Why I play like a mime.
I think I'm giving up this business,
At least for a while.
But It'll probably take some time,
For me to crack a smile.
I'm sick of always losing,
At this game every day.
Every time I get a puzzle piece,
Someone snatches it away.
Only a few of you out there,
Will understand what this means.
So this poem's for you,
A prelude to my screams.
Holler at you, English class....

Sometimes, in English class... I post on my blog instead of paying attention to my teacher talking about Fahrenheit 451... which I haven't even started by the way... holler at me haha. Anyways... I'm not even looking at the screen and I know everything that I'm typing... but Chantry can read it... can't you chantry? :) hahahahha. I'm so good. Okay...well bye.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Page 98.
- I like Lipton Iced Tea.
- I hate shopping.
- I hate texting. But as of late, I feel that it's a necessity...
- My favorite thing to do is think.
- I love to abbreviate things. A.T.T.
- I'm constantly pressed for time, yet I hang out with my friends at least fifteen hours a week...
- I can't handle awkward silences.
- One time I saw a dog get ran over. I cried myself to sleep. Literally.
- I'm the fastest typer that I know of.
- I like lists. A lot.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Piggy bank #7.
You have twelve souls? Are you a cat? Oh wait, they have nine lives... - Josh Barney
All monkeys are brittish. Didn't you know? - Chandler Jensen
You look like a Christmas gangbanger - Caity
Did you just see that guy? - Nicole
Yeah, he was really cute... - Caity
That was a transvestite... - Nicole
No! Not him! The guy in the car! - Caity
I do not tell her "don't wear your church clothes with your tennis shoes, because you look hideous." So why she tell me? - Elena
Life is changing! Well... your life is changing, mine is not going anywhere. - Elena
People walk on dead people all the time. - Doman
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
Brandon, all I ever needed is your love. - (I actually don't remember putting this in my phone... but I figured I would post it anyway. :) haha. )
Meet me at the lamborghini dealership, guys - I'm buying the yellow one. - Maddie Ko
I have to sleep at a 45 degree angle - Brink
Guys, this would never happen. Heavenly father wouldn't let it. - Case
Harry Potter wouldn't let it happen? - Nicole (did I mention I'm deaf? Holler. )
Excuse me, I think a rocket can break wind. - Me
Why is Obama so stupid? - Emily
Why is Obama so stupid? ... I dont' know... he just is. - Dad
All monkeys are brittish. Didn't you know? - Chandler Jensen
You look like a Christmas gangbanger - Caity
Did you just see that guy? - Nicole
Yeah, he was really cute... - Caity
That was a transvestite... - Nicole
No! Not him! The guy in the car! - Caity
I do not tell her "don't wear your church clothes with your tennis shoes, because you look hideous." So why she tell me? - Elena
Life is changing! Well... your life is changing, mine is not going anywhere. - Elena
People walk on dead people all the time. - Doman
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
Brandon, all I ever needed is your love. - (I actually don't remember putting this in my phone... but I figured I would post it anyway. :) haha. )
Meet me at the lamborghini dealership, guys - I'm buying the yellow one. - Maddie Ko
I have to sleep at a 45 degree angle - Brink
Guys, this would never happen. Heavenly father wouldn't let it. - Case
Harry Potter wouldn't let it happen? - Nicole (did I mention I'm deaf? Holler. )
Excuse me, I think a rocket can break wind. - Me
Why is Obama so stupid? - Emily
Why is Obama so stupid? ... I dont' know... he just is. - Dad
The Prom of Juniors. :)
Junior Prom was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.! :) I went with one of my best friends Josh Barney. :) I had the best time ever! We went out to lunch, and then played Just Dance, then we got ready, went to pictures, Went to dinner at Josh's house (which was AMAZING by the way. His mom is an amazing cook!) then we went to the dance and partied all night long!
Thank you SO much Josh! Last night was one of the best nights of my life! :)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Leap Frog two.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Put your defense down...
Caity, Brink, and I participated in the barefoot walk on Tuesday. It was gr8! We had a ton of fun... and I think we raised sixty something pairs of shoes!! It was a great experience and I'm glad we did it! We walked about half way up the boulevard... I stepped on a wire, and it went about 1/4 inch into my foot... holler. I love to step on wires, and staples, and stickers, and rocks... Just love it. haha.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Leap Frog.
In the game of Leap Frog
I'm always on my knees.
When they say it's my turn,
someone jumps in before me.
I've never leaped a second,
Not once in my whole life.
I'm just wondering when it's my turn,
Will it turn into a strife?
I've been waiting patiently,
For all my seventeen years.
But in my game of Leap Frog,
My turn never appears.
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