- Sacrament- We had a Return Sister Missionary speak to us about her mission, and she told us about an African man that she met while serving. When he found out that she was of the LDS Faith, he was quick to judge her and tell her everything that he thought was wrong with the Gospel. Among the things he said, He told her that Jesus had done all of his work, and we were being disrespectful for saying that he was not, and trying to carry on his work here on Earth.
- Sunday School - We talked about the fact that Christ is the "Light of the World". And that we are all Diamonds. We emerge from coal, and we are shaped through intense heat and pressure into Diamonds in the Rough. It might hurt when the "Diamond Cutter" shapes us, and chips away the flaws... but in the end, We become a beautiful Diamond that, when hit by the light, glimmers and shines.
- Young Womens - We talked mostly about The Living Christ and we were given a challenge to memorize The Living Christ. We were given booklets of nineteen cards each, and we are to, if we choose, memorize a part at a time. Our leader gave a quote from Elder Christofferson that said People should be able to see attributes of Christ in us.
I loved all of the Lessons that I was given today. My leaders and ward members were definitely inspired by the Spirit. Christ's work is not done. To fully appreciate, and take advantage of the great Atonement we need to try and "meet him half way" as one girl in my class said today. It is utterly impossible to meet him anywhere close to half way, but we need to show our appreciation for all that he has done for us. I loved the story about the Diamonds, because I can see that it's true. It does hurt when the "Diamond Cutter" shapes us... but as I see through my leaders, my parents, and my older friends, we truly can shine. As for my last meeting, I'm taking the Challenge. I'm going to memorize The Living Christ. I dont' know how long it will take me to do this... but I'm going to do it. :)
As Nerdy as is may seem... I found President Monson's talk "I know that my Redeemer lives!" and I put it as my number one track on my playlist. You don't have to listen to it... you can pause it, skip over it, ignore it, whatever. But it's there for anyone who wants to listen. :)
I hope someone out there enjoyed my rambling... and I hope everyone has a...
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