Laurel Retreat was SO much fun!I am honestly, soooo glad that I went. I learned a lot, and realized a lot of things that I know were meant for me. Mad Ko, Britt Brink, Amy, Courtney and I just Johned it up the whole time!
It was such a spiritual experience, and I am so grateful for our leaders who put it on. I wish that every Laurel in my stake would have been there, because I think that everything said could pertain to each of our lives. President Lyman's talk got me the most. He told us not to compare ourselves to other girls. He stressed the fact that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us the same amount, no one more than another.
Another part that I loved was the workshops. Sister Emmett taught us how to cook some deeeelicious food, and it seriously only took a few minutes. The best part was the "Guaranteed second date cake" haha. I'm def. making that again.
I also really loved Laurie and Phoebe's workshop. They taught us that we need to set aside our dreams of "Prince Charming", and we'll probably find something even better. We also learned that it's just as important to BE "the one" as it is to FIND "the one".
Brother King gave us this great lesson about our Self Worth. He made us describe what made something valuable, and showed us that we are each a divine Daughter of our Heavenly Father.
I loved Laurel retreat SO SO much, and I am so sad that I had to leave early. It was def. the best part of summer... so far. :)
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