- I have a hard cast.
- It's blue.
- It goes all the way up past my elbow.
- It's waterproof.
- When I hold my arm straight it looks like I'm deformed.
- I can itch it with a wooden skewer.
- I can swim and take showers.
- I hate it when people write on it.
- I keep trying to pull my arm out of my cast.
- It feels a lot better, and I've convinced myself that I'm better.
- It doesn't hurt when I hit it on something... Including people.
- If anyone tried to kidnap me, I would use it as a weapon.
- I am super self conscious about it.
- I hate it when people ask me what I did to my arm, and another person near by answers for me.
- I try to avoid telling people the story.
- I typed a whole paper with my broken arm.
- I hate it when my clothes don't match my cast.
- I don't like it when people touch my arm.
- My parents still won't let me drive...
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