So many things have been happening lately, and I just don't have the time, or the fingers to type them... so here's 5 billion in one. ♥
Broken Arm : I'm used to it... people come up to me every day asking about my injury, and I'm kinda sick of it... blahh dee blahh yes, I know you are super sad that I broke my arm, but let's move on. P.s. It's still way inconvenient... but I'm getting used to my crippled-ness.
Caity: Caity always posts about how much she looks up to me, but I never tell you about how much I look up to her! Cait is so gr8! Tonight at the awards ceremony she got a ton of awards! Great job Caity! I'm sooo proud of you!
Swearing in: Tonight, we were sworn in as the new exec. council! oh my heck! WE ARE THE NEW EXEC! how scary?? We have some big shoes to fill...
Skype: I love Skype so much. It was one of the greatest things ever invented!
A.P. Test: I take it tomorrow... so not ready. Thanks for helping me study Chandler!
Pirates of the Caribbean: A few of us are going to the midnight showing on Friday! so stoked!
Cheapskate: I asked someone today... but they haven't said yes yet... So I won't say who. :)
Photog.: I miss it. I can barely hold my camera up, let alone focus it... I love manual focus, and now I'm stuck with auto....
Violin: I miss this too... but not as much... haha.
Doman: she is getting surgery tomorrow... AGAIN! Good luck Dom!
Graduation: Already trying to fight back the tears...
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