Thursday, October 6, 2011

I hate texting.

This is why I hate texting. 

Does this not annoy you? I mean really! Talking to a member of the opposite gender is NOT all about strategy! Texting for this very reason drives me nutzo!

Don't get me wrong.... Texting is really great for things like Young Womens reminders, club meeting announcements, emergencies when you can't call the person you need to contact, and there are probably a couple of others that I can't think of at the moment but...

I think texting 'relationships' are ridiculous. Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand why verbal communication is so difficult.

I'll admit... texting has it's perks (like the fore-mentioned) but it's really important to be able to talk to people face to face as well. I hope that my peers catch on quickly, or we'll probably end up texting our marriage vows at our weddings...


Elder Graff said...

Not all guys are like him though. He's quite... interesting.

Jen Powell said...

Wow, that guy is a piece of work. Learn what these types look like, and them don't give them your number!