Saturday, April 7, 2012

Piggy Bankkk (24)

I have those pants! - Braden Wood

Nicole Winona, 100% seminary attendance! - Brother Jones
Who did you pay?!? - Kevan Webb

We're gonna die! I've only been driving fifteen seconds! - Elena

Once on the way back from a cross country trip a girl slept on my lap. - Joey Powell

I usually don't know what I'm doing - Austin Taylor

Son, you don't mess with people's butts. - Parent at Pretzel Maker

I always wanted a man with pigtails. - Mindy Deschamps

You are a mean firecrotch - Elena

Don't worry guys, I'm just the school douche bag. - Art Cowells

You just want him for his body - Amy
Well I don't want him for his age. - Caity

How long have you been awake? - Nicole
Like four seconds - Elena

My dog usually eats a lot of popcorn. - Mrs. Manweiler

He is really hot. - Mrs. Lowe

Women in uniform. You don't want to piss them off - Air Show Girl

I don't like to take pictures. I like to be in pictures - Elena

Don't give away your pretzels - Nicole

I feel like a total redneck - Elena

I pretty much hate everyone who's not me, or who doesn't like me. - Elena

I almost hit toy bombs with my car! - Maddie

If I was gettin' a diamond I would want to buy it from Canada. - Dad

We are so cute... I am especially cute! - Elena

he's like the brother I never wanted. - Jessica Webb

Those words all make sense, just not when used together. - Emily

When your whimms are figured, let me know. - Dad

I'm not talking to them anymore. One misquotes me, and the other is a brat. - Dad

Elena and I saw two dead cows today. - Nicole
How dead were they? - Mom

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