Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Disclaimer : Only read this if you think my Family is funny.

So today, my dad was telling me all about the things that he had to fix around the house before Thanksgiving.... 

so I asked him, "Dad, how come you know how to do everything?" 

He said "What do you mean?"

and I said, "Well, you know how to do everything. When I get married I'm probably going to be calling you a lot because I doubt my husband will know how to do everything like you."

(Sidenote) ... this is where my mom pipes in from downstairs and says "Nicole, I'm counting on your husband to know something, because you and him are going to be taking care of me when I'm elderly."

then I said "Okay mom, I'll make sure that YOU like my husband." (Sidenote over.)

Then my dad proceeds to tell me... "I grew up poor. When you grow up poor, you realize that the only way to get stuff done is if you do it yourself, so you learn. My dad grew up poor too, and he taught me this lesson. If you can read, you can figure anything out." 

Then I said... "So you're telling me to marry someone who's poor?"

Then he said, " No, I'm telling you that sometimes you have to figure stuff out for yourself and not get other people to figure it out for you..." 

... Then I walked away, because I wanted to write down this great conversation with my parents.

THIS is why I love my dad so much. My dad seriously knows EVERYTHING. My family has this joke that he's a walking encyclopedia.... and he really is. I don't think he's ever not had the answer that I needed to a question. My dad says the smartest things without even trying, and I've learned some awesome lessons from him! Love you, dad!

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