Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Some people....

... amaze me. 

Today, at work a woman brought her adorable little Chaplin Pincher into the store, so naturally I walked up to her and asked her if I could pet it.

(I think she freaked for a second because she thought I was going to make her leave, but it really would surprise you how many people bring their pets into Payless... one time, these people brought in a cat! ... anyways.)

She let me pet her puppy, and told me all about how the puppy had just barely had a stroke, and that it had a cold, that she was giving it antibiotics for. The puppy was SOOO chubby. It was basically a fifteen pound chihuahua. hahah.

The puppy's name was Penny, and it turns out that her owner rescued her from her old mean owner's house! She told me that they would somehow stuff her into a recliner chair while they would go to work so that she wouldn't go potty on their carpet, and by doing this they broke her back! She told me that she literally went into the people's house and stole her.

She now takes care of this puppy who takes SIX pills every single morning. She told me that when Penny had her stroke, she drove her to the emergency vet at 3 A.M., and the vet said that if she would have waited any longer, Penny would have died. Due to Penny's stroke, she gained a ton of weight (because of steroids or something...) so she can't walk, and her owner has to take her around EVERYWHERE with her.

This woman, who I don't even remember her name, is my great example for the day! I think that it's so amazing what she did for this little creature, that many people wouldn't see the value in. It amazes me that she's willing to put so much of her time and money into this little dog. Some people just amaze me.

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