Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Piggy bank number six. :)

Life is like an hourglass… Eventually everything hits the bottom and all you have to do is wait until someone comes and turns it around. (Britt Brinks Phone)

We can just invite J*** W*** as a 7th Wheel. – Doman

It’s all on the stupid friggin’ handout. – Ms. May

Sarah told me that I look like lady Gaga. – Elena

Some guys are twittering Jimmer. I don’t know what Twitter is. What’s twitter? – Bro. Bentley

The enemy of my enemy is my friend – Erik

This is a good quotebook quote. There’s no one as awesome as Erik Stubbs. Tylor Stubbs. – Erik

It’s a die/die situation. – Taylor Iverson

Every experience you have is a positive one – Mom

Don’t talk to us. I’m going to stab you in the eyeball. – Jandee Madsen

All we’ve done is lie. – Jazzy

The drops are gross. It’s pregnant woman’s pee. – Sarah Nicole

Do they have that in Spain? – Everyone

I never seen guns until I went to wal-mart – Elena

Do they have uno in spain? – Nicole

Yes. – Elena

Do they call it one? – Doman

I’ll go over to the druggies house and see if he wants to sleep over. – Chase Evans

We’re so stupid, like we sit at my house and watch worlds dumbest people on Friday night. We’re such losers. At least we’re together. – Me

The Painted Temple - A tattoo shop in Provo...

If you ever see "awk" on the top of your paper... - Ms. May

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