Monday, July 18, 2011

Hit me baby, one more time...


Obviously the key to my heart lately is through Blogging... seeing as almost ALL of my friend's have blogs... I thought I would make a challenge for them while I'm gone. :)

No one EVER POSTS! I'm suuuuupaaa upset about it.

So what's the contest?
While I'm gone at girls camp, the person who makes the COOLEST blog post (Judged by me) WINS! What do you win? Well... it's a surprise (That's key for I haven't figured it out yet.)
  • The contest starts Tuesday morning, and ends Thursday at 3:00! :) 

Contestants (Volunteered by myself)

  1. Caity Sullivan
  2. Josh Barney
  3. Maddie Kolu
  4. Ashley Snyder
  5. Miah Saunders 
  6. Brittany Doman
  7. Chandler Jensen

You don't have to participate... I JUST WANT SOMETHING TO READ! hahahah
Get blogging, fools! .


ashleykaesnyder said...

what about me..

Maddie said...

Prepare to go down Johns and Janes!!!