Sunday, January 2, 2011

The ORIGINAL Quote Book.

I get to be lame, like you tonight, Caity! - Emma

Those are pretty. Aren't they? - Emma

She won't be a cat lady. She'll be a tree house lady. - Nicole

I hear the river calling, Thunder Friends. - Josh Asay

Well that sounds fun! Whose horse ya working on? - Nicole
I meant house... - Kendrek

When is your birthday? - Nicole
March, 21, 1995 12:04 a.m. - Cody Clayton
Hmm... Specific. - Nicole

I just saw that old bent up can of chili on that shelf, all by itself, and thought of you. - Nicole

We were driving, and we almost died! and I NEVER die! - Sarah Nicole

Well... your sister was a cute baby and all... she just had that huge nose! - Dad.
She got that from you. - Mom

... Okay, as soon as I'm done helping some old lady fix her i-pod... - Sarah Nicole

Is she black? - Courtney
No, but she has some black cousins. - Haley
What?! That's like saying, no, but she knows a black guy. - Addie

It swears in bad ways. And you'd think that they wouldn't say those things in the cowboy days, because they weren't invented. But NO. They have to taint it with those bad words, so young viewers can't watch them. - Emily

You have some Zits on your arm. You should start to wear long sleeved shirts. - Nicole
Well, then why don't you wear a ski mask? - Emily

Don't break my candle. - Mom
Oh my heck, I can melt it back if you want, I can even melt it into a giraffe if you want. -Emily

The D.I. is where the rich people shop. - Nicole

She's a girl, but she looks like a boy. - Emma

... You're all so high... - Trey
Hi! - Tanner

It's such a small town that they write every ones birthday on the gas station marque. - random snippet on the bus.

Don't B.S. me. - Mrs. Lowe

Life's too short to get a bad cart. - Costco employee

No one gets out of this life alive. - Grandma

I hate freaking Christmas lights. They're the biggest piece of junk invented. - dad

I have this great journal that I don't want to ruin by writing in. - Kevin

That's going in the book. - Nicole

Did you guys hear that duck? - Meg Sim (most epic quote, and story of my life.)

It's cheap, and you can get it at Wal-Mart. -Mrs. Lowe

You should put that in a book, and save it for later. - Josh Curtis

I'll shoot her, and she'll be dead. - Branson
you shoot her, and I shoot you. - Emma
Then I'll come back from the dead. - Nicole
And she'll haunt the crap out of you. - Emma

I'm sixteen, I don't have a car, no one loves me, and I'm in Orchestra right now. How do you think my life is? - Meg Sim

They wouldn't let me join the boys basketball team because they thought my hair was too long. - Meg Sim

Who's that? - caity
My Grandpa. - Nicole
Your Grandpa was hot! - Caity

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