Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Second Piggy Bankkk

Seriously... Jotting down the hilarious things that people around me say, has turned out to be one of the smartest ideas of my life. You should try it. New Years Res! Holls. Enjoy the hilariously stupid things that my friends, family, and I say.

You basically tore my hamstrings in half! - emily

I kissed Bella. Then she broke her hand. Punching my face. - JB. (hahahahahhah. not funny? I don't care.)

I'll hit you with my cane. My Candycane! - Emily

Why are they all from Hungaria? - Caity
You mean Hungry? - Nicole
I am. - Caity

Taylor... HOTNER! - Emily

Who was Joseph Smith with when he was baptized? - Mom
sa... I mean Scott. - Karson
Who's Scott? - Nicole
Well I was gonna say Satan, but then I thought... - Karson

Why doesn't he just move away from that town? - Nicole
Demons don't need cars to follow you. - Emily

Shut up, it was a hard ride. - Caity

Everything in your life doesn't have to be fun. Do something constructive. - Dad

That poor little penguin! - Nicole
He waddles. - Caity
Like Caity. - Emily

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