Saturday, May 7, 2011

"fall" into orchestra.

things i have learned from having a broken arm....
  1. people just might start hilarious rumors about you.
  2. your life will be ruined for a short period of time.
  3. you won't be able to use capitol letters when typing (driving me nutzo)
  4. people will bring you tons of stuff!
  5. you will learn just how good your friends are... mine are the gr8est :)
  6. you just might become the laughing stock of the school.
  7. you are not invincible. (largest realization.)
  8. it is important to remain optimistic.
  9. people will obviously hear your name, and what happened to you, at school, then they'll add you on facebook to find out who you really are.
  10. you will be bored out of your mind 90% of the time.

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