Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The land of Ketchutopia.

My Language Arts teacher gave our class the assignment to come up with a short story that resembles the book Fahrenheit 451, in that it includes the element of technology and future possibilities of society. I wrote my story... and I didn't do the best job ever. I had three ideas that I wanted to run with, and this is the one that stuck. I wish I would have had more time, because I could have made a really BOSS story... but It's alright. :)

Anyways... the point is, through writing this story, I started to think about Elementary school.... In fourth grade, when I moved to Bloomington Hills, I got to go to a brand new school, and make brand new friends. It was the only time in my whole life that I've ever moved, and I'm so happy that we did. I made great friends, and I was quite a creative little soul!

I wrote a story called "Ketchutopia". It was about my friend Delon, who LOVED Ketchup. He would put Ketchup on ANYTHING. He said he would even eat it with Ice cream... (I never witnessed this). My story included Delon, as "King Leir" a kid named Lane as "Sir Burgess" and my friend Peyton as "Lady Peyton". It also had a talking ketchup bottle...

I wish I could find the story, so that I could post it for you to read, but I can't. :( I'm pretty sure that I could re-write it, because I remember everything that happens. There is an election for kind of Ketchutopia, a brand new territory on some continent on the world... There was a scandal in which Lady Peyton and Sir Burgess fixed the election so that Sir Burgess would win, and King Leir would lose. Lady Ketchup Bottle was King Liers wife... and she found out about the scandal, and had Lady Peyton and Sir Burgess arrested. King Lier came out on top... and in the end, he was so excited that he accidentally drank his wife! (Because she was ketchup....?)

This is a really long post... and I'll be surprised if anyone reads it. I guess that the point of this post was to let everyone know that through writing my story about the future, and the possibilities of the downfall of society, I realized that It's already happened to me. I think that I forgot how to be creative... I mean I can take boss photographs... but they're images. I didn't come up with them. Heavenly Father put things there for me to capture their beauty. In writing creative stories like this, you can really grasp how creative your mind is.... I used to be REALLY creative... I mean... a land called Ketchutopia? A talking Ketchup bottle? Yeah... I was good. I think as time has gone on, and I've shoved so much knowledge into my mind, I've gotten lazy. I listen to all of the things people tell me to think, but I don't come up with things to think on my own.

None of this probably makes any sense to anyone but me... because I'm really good at not making sense. But I thought I would share anyway. :)

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