Thursday, June 2, 2011

The gr8est book that ever lived.

Every time I go to Seagull book, I find something to buy... This was today's pick. :) It's title kinda explains it... but It's a book of all the "must-dos" before you turn old. Some of the activities are...

64. Every Kid should play classic games.
77. Every kid should go to a baseball game with Grandpa.
85. Every kid should have a pen pal.
14. Every kid should go to a museum.

There are 97 more things to do in this book... and before Senior year is over, I'm going to do all of them... any friend who wants is welcome to join in!

I am really scared to grow up... as I have expressed to many of you, but if I have to do it, I'm going to get in all of the "little kid" things in that I can. :) If you're mad... you can just S.A.B.O.I.D.C.

1 comment:

Britt or Michelle said...

i wanna do it!!!!! but im giong to be in salt lake so you should post all the 100 things on here so i can do them :) we can do them together via skype??