Monday, April 25, 2011

The life of Sammy...

This is Sammy.
Sammy is a Cat.
I wish I lived Sammy's life.

First off, I really DO NOT CARE if you think I'm weird for this post... because 1. I am weird. 2. I really do want to live the life of Sammy....

  1. Sammy gets whatever she wants.
  2. Sammy does not have to go to school.
  3. Sammy has about 99 lives instead of 9.
  4. Sammy can meow(talk/yell) all she wants, and people just think it's cute.
  5. Sammy got shot two times, once, and it was probs the equivalent for getting your wisdom teeth out, or your tonsils as a human because everyone babied her for like three weeks after. (This is not a reason I want to be sammy... just a fact.)
  6. My parents like Sammy more than they like my sister or me.
  7. Sammy could swear and no one would be able to tell.
  8. Sammy can scratch anyone she wants and she won't get in trouble.
  9. Sammy makes people laugh.
  10. Sammy sleeps when, and where she wants.
  11. Sammy gets to play outside all day long.
  12. Sammy gets to stay out all night sometimes.
  13. One time Sammy took a four day trip to who knows where... hell's half acre? And she didn't even get in trouble when she got home! Everyone was just happy.
  14. Sammy thinks she runs the house, and she's probably right.
  15. Sammy is just so dang adorable.

Right now I'm sitting in my room doing all of the homework that I failed to do over the weekend. I'm looking at the mess on my desk that I need to clean up, as well as the basket full of laundry that needs to be hung up. Sammy does not have to worry about any of these problems. Life would be SO much easier if I were a cat. Granted... I wouldn't live as long, and I would have no friends because... well you're a cat, and you can't drive or swim because you're a cat and... OKAY! I get it... so maybe life wouldn't be better as a cat... but I sure do wish I didn't have to do all of this work. :)

John hard Amigos.
3 weeks left. ♥

1 comment:

Britt or Michelle said...

i kinda like your blog. k